Monday, December 29, 2008

Dear Friends...

"What type of friend are you?" Have you ever been asked this sort of question? If so, have you figured out the exact answer?

No? Hmm...maybe this quiz can help you a little bit. This quiz is to figure out how far a person can keep his/her friend's secret. So, just be honest with yourself or else you won't know the real answer...hope you enjoy this! (^^)v

[Situation : Your best friend gives you a present, wrapped nicely in colorful, pretty wrapper sheet with a ribbon tied on it. Question : "How do you open the present?"]

[A Type] You will untied the ribbon very nicely & unwrapped the wrapper very carefully & nicely. Then you will fold the wrapper & put it aside. You will try not to make a mess. You carefully open the box to see the present inside.

[B Type]

You will untied the ribbon nicely & put aside. At first, you will try to unwrapped the wrapper carefully but as you are having a little problem gradually in the process, you will lose your patience & will start tearing up the wrapper roughly. Plus, in the end when you finished the unwrapping process, you will crumple the wrapper & put it aside.

[C Type]

Well...from the beginning till the end you just tearing up the ribbon & the wrapper just like an excited little child. You tend to crumple the wrapper & throw it away & eagerly open the box in a little 'rude' (or rough) way.

[The Result]

:: A Type - You are a very dependable & trustworthy friend. You will keep your friends' secrets & will never let it out even if you are forced to. That shows that you really know how to consider & care about your friends' feeling & you don't want to hurt your friends no matter what. You are a type of person that will treasure the value of true friendship through your entire lifetime.

:: B Type - You still a dependable & good friend. You try your utmost to keep your friends' secret but in the end you impel to squeal them especially when you are forced to. This does not mean that you don't consider your friends' feeling. This proves that you are also similar to the rest which will preferred themselves when they are in an adverse situation.

:: C Type - Well, you are a person person who have less sympathy on your friends' feeling. You do not concern your friends' feeling & always dissappoint them at the end of the day. You are negligent in keeping your friends' secrets, therefore you tend to not be able to last long until finally you squeal them even though you are not forced to do so.

Congratutulation for those who are A Type! Hope you will maintain your good side of personality. Well done to those who are B Type. Don't be sad to face the fact that sometimes you will expose your friends' secrets although you don't mean to do so. Just try your best to improve your personality. For those who are C Type, don't be frustrated or mad. You should just try to turn over a new leaf & also try to be more considerable on your friends' feeling next time.

Last of all, hope you can enjoy this translation of a song lyrics (it is an OST of a Japanese anime, so the song is definitely in Japanese language), dedicated to you & everyone outside there who really treasure the value of true friendship! All the best!!! (^^)v

r Friends::

"Everyday until the sun is set
We got ourselves dirty by mud

Those days that we wasted so foolishly

Are hard to throw away.

I'm a dreamer...but that's just how I am

It's alright if you don't want to be broken...

Like a jigsaw puzzle.

To you, when someone says 'YES'
It's the same as if they said 'NO'

We thought we would always be free.

When the wind blows through tomorrow

Even if the puzzle is broken

Nobody will blame us.

That day, we believe

That our dreams were not wrong

We just went across the rough seas.

I always knew about
The pain you carried in your heart...

Even if you leave this ship

And end up in a different world

We'll be able to smile in the end.

Even now...we continue dreaming
Continue riding on those embraced dreams.

We'll fight the rough seas today

Even with our pain...
So that our promises don't become lies.

And then one day...

To you who left our ship

And are now in a different world

I will send that completed puzzle."
~"Dear Friends by Triplane"~